

From a total of 25,240,027 kills with 11,136,923 headshots

# Map Time Time % Win Ratio Kills Kills % Hs Hs % Hpk
1 de_mirage 3y 99d 12:29h 49% 49% 8,497,079 34% 3,720,566 33% 44%
2 de_inferno 312d 16:59h 13% 50% 5,160,207 20% 2,356,075 21% 46%
3 de_cache 1y 34d 23:23h 17% 46% 4,201,427 17% 1,795,427 16% 43%
4 de_dust2 256d 14:55h 11% 47% 3,171,172 13% 1,422,139 13% 45%
5 de_overpass 131d 12:03h 5% 45% 2,283,113 9% 997,458 9% 44%
6 de_train 72d 15:40h 3% 49% 1,161,011 5% 498,705 4% 43%
7 de_vertigo 20d 11:33h 1% 48% 342,824 1% 155,912 1% 45%
8 de_nuke 17d 08:29h 1% 52% 272,062 1% 122,930 1% 45%
9 de_cbble 10d 07:53h 0% 41% 151,132 1% 67,711 1% 45%